Sunday, June 15, 2008

Specifics (Revision 1)

This is just like the last Specifics post, but with the changes in bold. Most of you should probably skip over this; it's not too interesting.

Daily Schedule:

1:40 - 2:00 Nap
Do all of the dishes
Create Nature Scavenger Hunt List
5:40 - 6:00 Nap
Walk to Fred Meyers and back (2 h 10 m + shopping time)
9:40 - 10:00 Nap
Walk to Fred Meyers and back OR: garden for 30 m, walk the dog for 20 m, and cook (with Mom or Kyle (Kyle is my brother))
13:40 - 14:00 Nap
Use Scavenger Hunt List from earlier, and find as much as possible. 30 m minimum
Map some foot-trails around my neighborhood. 30 m minimum
17:40 - 18:00 Nap
Walk to Fred Meyers and back (2 h 10 m + shopping time)
21:40 - 22:00 Nap
Move Rocks (20 m minimum)
Update Blog

Alarm System

Watch timer set to 20 minutes
First kitchen timer set to 21 minutes and within hand's reach
Second kitchen timer set to 30 minutes and handed to friend armed with cold water
Clock with alarm set for *:02 that I have to get up to turn off
Extremely loud alarm clock set for around *:08, across the room (This alarm is freakin' loud, and I hate it going off. It also goes for half an hour before turning off. I will not sleep through this one)

The clocks I will set a few minutes before I start my video blog, and get the timers ready then too. I'll say what I have to say to the camera, then lay down, then start the two timers and my watch and set the timers down where they need to go.

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