Thursday, June 19, 2008

No more video Blogs

I've decided that the effort of doing a video blog isn't worth the benefits. It takes about a whole waking period to get the video to my computer, edit out the naps, add subtitles, and upload it to the blog. Lately it's become such a chore that I start nodding off while I am doing it. While I usually don't feel that tired, if I'm sitting down for too long or doing something I don't really like, I'll start nodding off and feeling loopy.


Christina C. said...

You're very lucky to have good friends to help you out. I started first thing this morning (2:30AM) after I got home from work and I have to depend on 4 alarms. You're doing great! Keep up the good work.

Farblade said...

Perhaps your body is just noticing its not being active, and thus notices an ample time to sleep while doing video. I'm like that too at work. I think the military said it first- never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lay down, and never lay down when you can sleep. So... I guess what I'm saying is, you should use the time you have for something useful, else your body'll put that time to "good use."