Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 11 with evidence for adjustment

Since before my first nap (1:40 - 2:00 AM) today (6-23-08), I hung out with my dad so he could make sure I woke up from my first and second naps, and get me on my way to walking into town in the morning. He stayed up with me the same way on the morning of the 6th day, too. I remember what it was like, the first night, and by comparing the two, it became very obvious to me how much I had improved already in terms of energy.

In every car ride with him (four total for each day, two of which lasted more than 30 minutes) I nodded off pretty much constantly the first night I stayed up with him, but this morning I didn't even feel tired on any of the rides except for near the end of the last one, around 6:40 AM or so. Also, last time I distinctly remember being aware of, and fighting off, that urge to sleep. I remember it was there most of the morning that day, but today, I didn't feel tired at all, except for the aforementioned part of the last drive, and around a half an hour before Nap 2.

The effectiveness of my naps still does seem pretty random, though; some naps I'll feel so refreshed I feel jittery, but some naps I'll wake up and only want to go back to bed (although the latter is more rare now).

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