Monday, June 16, 2008

A casual post

I've been so busy during these first few days that I kind of turned this thing into a data dump, rather than a fleshed out blog. Now that I should have a bit more free time, I should be able to post here more about how I feel or what I think about the whole thing.

I am really surprised that I am not any more tired by now. It is the fourth day of the adjustment (I just woke up from the third nap for today) and this is the first nap that I've felt a noticeable desire to go back to sleep for more than a few minutes. Usually when I wake up and start eating, the desire disappears within a couple minutes (although I can still be tired), but this time it just diminished a gradually over about ten minutes. I'm still feeling it now, although it is slight. I've been avoiding couches altogether since my first night of uberman, but until now it was just to build the habit of the action. Now, I think if I were to sit down on a couch, I might start to nod off or lay down to sleep.

I'm too tired to keep blogging; I'm going to start doing some of the activities i have planned for this waking period. Wish me luck!

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