Saturday, June 21, 2008

First dream nap

I had my first dream nap recently--Nap 4 (1:20-2:00 PM) of yesterday/day 7 (6-20-08), and this last nap (Nap 1 of Day 8) refreshed me more than a single nap had for at least a couple of days. Also, I've been trying out sitting on couches again when someone can watch me and make sure I don't dose off, and I find I can sit on them for longer than I could sit in a car without nodding off. It seems a bit early to say so, at day 8, but I could be already coming out of the worst part of this. Don't get me wrong, I would be ecstatic if I knew that for sure--it's just too much hope and not enough evidence to really get me excited.

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