Monday, June 30, 2008

My failure post

I've been dreading posting this, but here it goes.

About 12 hours ago, I woke up from roughly 24 hours of sleep. That means I fell asleep on day 15, and woke up on what should have been day 16. It was a choice to lay down for a nap a bit early--I went to sleep at 1 planning to wake up at 2, but that didn't happen. It actually wasn't 24 hours straight; I think I woke up around 1 AM and stayed up until around 3 AM, then went back to bed.

After trying as hard as I did, I cannot conclude anything but this: for me, for now, it was impossible.

I might post more thoughts later.


jorel314 said...

Does this mean you are no longer polyphasic?

Syriven said...

Yep. I only had so much time off work, so I can't continue trying.

snailian said...

That's a bummer. At least you can't blame yourself for not trying.